Frequently Asked Questions

Can I drop off my relics outside the museum?
We like each donor to fill out a submission form, giving us permission to use the artifact along with historical background. This must be done during museum hours or contact the director.

Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes, your donation may be tax deductible, but you must check with most recent laws. We cannot provide an official appraisal of the object. That must be done by the donor. We will give you a receipt.

Can I borrow the artifact to the museum and get it back later?
Once the article is donated to the museum, it becomes the property of the Franklin Company D.U.P. and will not be loaned or returned to the owner.

How old does my artifact have to be for the museum to take it?
We specifically want to collect articles that belonged to pioneers that came across the plains from 1847-1869. However, we do take articles from early 1900s if they help us to understand and appreciate local history.

Will my artifact always be on display?
We try to display as many artifacts as we have room for. However, at times we may have to rotate relics, usually because of space problems. Since light can especially fade pictures, we may keep the picture in dark storage, but digitize it and use copies for display.

Can I help at the museum? Even if I am not a member of D.U.P.?
Yes, we would love donated help from anyone interested in history, and we offer training.

Can I be a member of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers even if I don’t have pioneer ancestors?
Yes, you would be considered an Associate and can come to our camp meetings and enjoy fellowship. You would not be able to hold an elected office, but there are many appointed positions you could help with. If you had ancestors who crossed the plains between 1847 and 1869, but were not members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you can be a full member.

May I donate homemade items to the Gift Shop to be sold?
Absolutely! Check with the director.